About Waliulasar Tours & Services
where our 22+ years of unparalleled experience in the tourism industry ensure unforgettable trips and transformational experiences. As an outstanding IATA-approved company, we are proud to offer a variety of itineraries, consisting primarily of Hajj and Umrah tours to the holy cities of Makkah and Medina, as well as luxury tours to spiritual destinations such as Iran (Mashhad), Qom), Tehran, Iraq (Najaf, Karbala, Samarra, Hilla, Baghdad), Syria (Bibi Zainab).
Thousands Served
Trusted Partner
Travel to Your Dream & Holy Destinations
the Holy Path of Karbala
Our Memories
"These journeys are more than just travels—they are renewals of faith, reminders of resilience, and experiences that bring us closer to understanding the essence of devotion and love. May these sacred memories continue to inspire and guide us in our daily lives.”

Group videos & Azadari During Ziayrat
“Azadari is more than a ritual; it’s a testament to love, sacrifice, and justice. As we honor Imam Hussain (AS), we remind ourselves of his unwavering stand for truth. May the spirit of Karbala guide us to uphold compassion and justice in our lives. "
#Azadari #Karbala #ImamHussainAS #Waliulasar
Our Location
Located in Islamabad, Pakistan, we specialize in religious group tours to Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Umrah for Saudi Arabia.
Office # 14M, Mujahid Plaza, Blue Area, Jinnah Avenue, Islamabad, Pakistan
9 AM - 5 PM
Specialized religious group tours for Iraq, Iran, Syria, Umrah.
Contact us
© 2024~2025. All rights reserved BY WALIULASAR GROUP.
Office # 14M,
Mujahid Plaza, Jinanh Avenue, Blue Area